Akashic Records Readings
What are the Akashic Records?
Your Akashic Records, also called your soul’s records or “Book of Life”, are the complete documentation of everything you’ve experienced in every lifetime since your soul’s creation. Every dream, joy, pattern, relationship, struggle, desire and success is found within its sacred pages.
An Akashic Records reading – also known as a soul reading – allows you to create a deeper relationship between yourself and the Divine, and get a detailed look into what’s standing in the way of what you truly desire.
The Akashic Records are a sacred space of truth and love intended to help you align with your soul’s purpose, release blocks and patterns of self-sabotage, and create a life of bliss that aligns with who you truly, undeniably are.
This reading is not predictive or psychic. I am simply, in essence, a channel for the guidance coming through from your record keepers.
Who are my “record keepers”?
Your “record keepers” are light beings who oversee your records. They’ve been with you during every incarnation through all dimensions, planes, and times (including this one), and have wisdom & strategies to share for your soul’s growth and Highest good.
How does an Akashic Records Reading work?
During a reading, I channel the information I hear, see and feel directly from your record keepers directly to you. The information that is shared with you is from your guides, and designed for your highest good and support.
Your Intuitive Reading consists of a 30 minute session in your Akashic Records and an oracle card before the reading begins.
The Reading is followed by a 10 minute integration conversation where we will discuss any questions you might have from your reading, outside your Records. I will support you in moving through any resistance so you stay in action and create lasting momentum from your Reading.
All readings are done by zoom and are recorded for you. All calls are STRICTLY and 100% CONFIDENTIAL.
How do I prepare my questions for my reading?
Create a list of 5-10 questions you’d like to ask your record keepers. I do not need to see your questions ahead of time. They are just to help you remember what you wish to ask during your reading to your record keepers.
Be specific: The more specific your questions are, the more specific your answers will be as well.
For example: Instead of asking “What do I need to know about my business now?”
Ask a more targeted question such as: What is the best business model to use in my business? or Is working with Coach X the best next step for my business growth? What is the biggest block I have now in my business and how can I heal it? If you had a business setback you can ask ” What was the lesson for me to learn in that situation?I focus on questions in your Akashic Records about your current experiences, fears, traumas, blockages and also your health. This is not a reading to tell you about your future.
Will you tell me my future?
No. An Akashic Records reading is neither predictive nor psychic, since we all have free will and choice at any moment. However, the information that is channelled is always delivered in the spirit of love and truth and for your highest good.
An Akashic records reading is designed to help you grow as a soul. So you can expect to learn lessons for your soul’s growth and that will help you align with your soul’s purpose and path more lovingly.
So… are you a medium? Is this like a psychic reading?
The information shared during an Akashic Records reading is channelled by me through your record keepers (light beings who’ve accompanied your soul through every incarnation including this one and who know you better than you can know yourself.)
They offer information and guidance intended to help you take action. It is up to YOU to choose whether or not you wish to heed their advice.
How will I feel at the end of my reading?
Some people feel energized, while others feel they could benefit from a 15-minute cat nap to integrate the energetic shifts. However, you feel at the end of a reading is just fine. It is as it should be.
It is best to give yourself about an hour after your reading to rest, integrate, to spend time in nature; whatever helps you simply be with the information shared by your record keepers.
If in the time between your reading and your integration call, strong feelings come up of anger or sadness, simply allow yourself to feel them without judgment. This is normal and a positive sign.
As you sit with the emotions and feel through them, you’ll feel better, and start integrating the lessons and guidance you received.
Book Your Reading Today
Cost: 85€ | 105€ | 120€ **
**choose the price you are financially comfortable with.
What others are saying.
"I found Tula to be a very wise and skilled reader. For me this was my first Akashic reading and I found the things she received jaw dropping and pure magic. Even more so because the messages she channeled were things I already knew and receiving them through her and being expressed in such a clear way provided me with so much clarity to work with in my process."
Sebastiaan Poppe | Netherlands
"I don't know how much to thank you, for me and for everyone that you help. You are a soul that helps comfort. Thank you, Tula!"
Sara Alsamarai | UAE
"عزيزتي الغاليه البتول شكرا لروحك الجميله قبل القراءه أنا مبهوره بالاستقبال الجميل والترحيب الأمثر من رائع🌷 خلال الجلسه أنا حصلت على معلوماتي اللي أحتاجها وحصلت على الجواب النهائي حرفيا 🙏🏼 شكرا لصبرك وإخلاصك في إيصال المعلومه بكل حب"
Nabila | Qatar