What people are saying.

— Philipp Humm, Founder of Power of Story Telling , #1 Bestselling Author of The StorySelling Method

  • "Tula is an exceptional teacher with a wealth of knowledge. Beyond her expertise, she is incredibly easy to talk to, making every conversation meaningful and engaging. As a sensitive person, it's refreshing to learn from someone who creates such a supportive and nurturing environment. I highly recommend working with her. Her energy is uplifting, patient, warm-hearted, and she has a natural way of making you feel at home."

    Sofie de Koning | Netherlands

  • "I had my first Fire Reiki session with Tula and it was amazing! Previously I have had a session with someone else and i felt so uncomfortable but Tula made me feel so relaxed, she explained very well, her warm and welcoming approach and amazing depth of knowledge and experience in energy work made this an amazing experience. I would highly recommend Tula for your next Reiki session!"

    Anna-Lena Herz | Spain

  • "I followed an Akashic Record session with Tula and found her to be a very wise and skilled reader. For me this was my first Akashic reading and I found the things she received jaw dropping and pure magic. Even more so because the messages she channeled were things I already knew and receiving them through her and being expressed in such a clear way provided me with so much clarity to work with in my process. Also she is a very warm being with a beautiful personality. She has a vibrant and disarming energy. I can recommend everyone to book a session with her."

    Sebastiaan Poppen | Netherlands

  • "How wonderful you are now after 10 days of the session i see more beautiful results, yesterday i had such a beautiful hug with my brother which i had so much problems with in past i feel such a wonderful love and peace with my family and i am so so so grateful for it, thank you thank you again and again"


  • "Thank you so much dear Tula for the great session. It was my first Reiki session, we first started with a beautiful breathing meditation and a wonderful grounding, then we started talking about my priorities for this session and we talked about forgiveness and being balanced between spiritual and 3D world. Then she started I felt so light within my body i felt her working through my chakras and it was so wonderful, then it was my birthday I gathered with my family, truly truly it was sooooo different this time I felt their love and for the first time I receive that amount of gifts by the way i had problems with receiving, and today i feel such a beautiful, easy light energy within me, it feel's awesome seriously, and i feel clarity in my mind, thank you thank you so much, and i will be practicing all the notes you told me about working with mind clarity and grounding. Etc, thank you again and again."


  • "كانت تجربة جلسة الريكي مع بتول هي الأولى في هذا المجال. يمكن القول ان سبب اختياري هذه الجلسة هو الاطلاع على هذا المجال ، وحقيقة ما يقال عن الريكي والعلاج بالطاقة عموماً أنه يساعد على تنظيم الشاكرات. كان الهدوء هو الانطباع الأول عندما قابلت بتول عبر مكالمة الفيديو، شرحت لي بشكل واف ما ستكون عليه الجلسة. بدأنا بجلسة تنفس واستشعار الرجوع للأرض (تأريض) وتناقشنا عن أولياتي في الجلسة ومن ثم بدأنا. شعرت بمجال يحوط منطقة الصدر لدي، كان تركيز بتول على شاكرا القلب ، وبعد الجلسة اخبرتني انه يجب أن امنح قلبي الحب ، الجميع حولي يحبني ، علي أن اسمح لهذا الحب بالدخول، انتهت الجلسة . بعدها بساعات قليلة، كنت في نقاش حاد نوعا ما مع شقيقتي ولكن انتهى بحضن دافيء منها وقولها لي بإنها تحبني، وبأن الجميع يحبني. كان شعوراً غريبا أن أرى هذا التجلي بهذه السرعة. ممتن لهذه الجلسة و ممتن لهذه الهدية التي جاءتني في عيد ميلادي بدون ترتيب مسبق. ممتن لبتول أن جعلتني استشعر هذا الحب. أنصح بالتعامل معها فهي ذات موهبة عالية وطاقتها جميلة. تحياتي"


  • "Meeting you even virtually was so nice! Your energy and smile I could feel through the screen, you exude so much compassion and are surely passionate about what you offer! I indeed received a lot of insights and loved the way you intuitively carried the session in order for it to be clearer for me. I was deeply touched by your caring soul and will definitely be subscribing to a one-on-one coaching with you for more guidance and in depth healing. Thank you beautiful Tula.❤"


  • “Thanks for the thoughtful words and support today. It triggered a process of awareness that I think the universe has been trying to communicate to me through various means recently.


  • "بتول متمكنه جدا في عملها ، ولعبت دورا فعال لفهم المشكله وايجاد حل مباشر لها، من خلال تمارين يوميه وجدتها فعاله جدا، سوف استمر معها لانها فعلا ابدعت في عملها، بتول سلسه في التعامل و ايجابيه وناجحه جدا في مجالها وانا ممتنه جدا لمعرفتها!"


  • "Thank you, dear Tula, for choosing me to win a session. It was very cool. I felt the energy inside my body, and I will definitely bring it back with you again. Other than all of this, your energy is awesome. I felt like I knew you for years. I wish you success. Big love to you."


  • "The Reiki healing was an incredibly powerful and transformative experience - it has helped me feel more balanced and connected, more at peace. Shukran Tula!"


  • “Tula is an incredibly intuitive and knowledgeable coach. She has a unique and thoughtful approach to helping me uncover and work through my challenges and she offers valuable insight and guidance. Her supportive presence and expertise have been a great asset in helping me gain clarity, focus and confidence in my own abilities.”


  • "Thanks a lot for the great session it was amazing the next I felt tired at night but the good things I noticed improvement in my memory I studied for two of my students exams in two days and did well! Thanks again wish you wonderful day."


  • "شكرا جزيلا ست بتول على جلسة الاكاشك. والله روتني اشياء مكنت متوقعتها. ومن البارحة لليوم بعدني اتفكر. مثلا.. فعلا انا من النوع اللي اريد اكون دائما اون کنترول ههه واريد كلشي يكون مضبوط ابدا مكنت متوقعة هالشي هو سبب الحالة اللي دا أمر بيها. ان شالله لي جلسات اخرى معك بأذن الله. محبتي"


  • "مساء الخير بتول صار كم يوم على جلستنا بعدني دا اعيش جمال الدقايق الي عشتها وياج شعور جداً جميل و لطيف اشكرك لإنك نبهتيني على امور ما كنت منتبه الها وان شاء الله ابدي اطبق الشغلات الي كلتي عليها !!! و شكراً مرة ثانية بالطاقة الحب الي كانت تتدفق مني بعد الجلسة "


  • "Many days have passed since our session, and I am still experiencing the beauty of the minutes inexperienced with you. The feeling was very nice and gentle. Thank you for alerting me to things that I wasn't paying attention to and, God willing, I will start applying the things you said!!! Thank you again The energy of love that was flowing from "


  • "How wonderful you are now after 10 days of the session i see more beautiful results, yesterday i had such a beautiful hug with my brother which i had so much problems with in past i feel such a wonderful love and peace with my family and i am so so so grateful for it, thank you thank you again and again"


  • "شكراً دا احس روحي طايرة بالهوا بعد الجلسة كلش سعيدة ومرتاحة وما اعرف اكو شي دا احسه ديشع من جسمي شعور جميل جدا ما اعرف شگد اشكرج دمتي لي و للجميع روح تساعد على الراحة هذا ال دا اكتبه هو الى دا احسه بالضبط"


  • " I feel my soul flying in the air after the session. I'm in joy, very relaxed, and there is a beautiful feeling that I'm unfamiliar with radiating from my body. A very good feeling. I don't know how much to thank you, for me and for everyone that you help. You are a soul that helps comfort. What I am writing is exactly what I feel at this moment. Thank you so much."


  • "Calmness was the first impression when I met Batool via video call, she explained to me thoroughly what the session would be like. We started with a breathing and grounding session and discussed my priorities in the session and then we started. I felt a sphere surrounding my chest area, Batool focused on the heart chakra, and after the session she told me that I must give my heart love, everyone around me loves me, I have to allow this love to enter, the session ended. A few hours later, I was in a somewhat heated discussion with my sister, but it ended with a warm hug from her and her telling me that she loves me, and that everyone loves me. It was a strange feeling to see this transfiguration so quickly. Thankful for this session and grateful for this gift that came to me on my birthday without prior arrangement. I am grateful to Batool for making me feel this love. I recommend dealing with her, she is highly talented and her energy is beautiful. "


  • "عزيزتي الغاليه البتول شكرا لروحك الجميله قبل القراءه أنا مبهوره بالاستقبال الجميل والترحيب الأمثر من رائع🌷 خلال الجلسه أنا حصلت على معلوماتي اللي أحتاجها وحصلت على الجواب النهائي حرفيا 🙏🏼 شكرا لصبرك وإخلاصك في إيصال المعلومه بكل حب"
